Meet our Model ~ Jess Lee Buchanan

Introducing the face of our Voyage campaign, the gorgeous Jess Lee Buchanan. Read on to find out a little more about Jess; we caught up with her about holidays, bikinis and travel essentials on our recent shoot in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

My name is... 

Jessica Lee Buchanan

but my friends call me... 

Pocket Pistol 

Home is...

Cape Town, South Africa 

Cocos Islands is... 


The best part of working with Tigerlily on this shoot was... 

How easy going they all were, we had so many laughs!

If I were reincarnated I want to come back as...

A rock and roll singer!! Like Joan Jett or Brett Anderson from The Donnas!

Travel to me is... 

Both rewarding AND exhausting. But mostly rewarding because of the people I’ve met along the way.

Your job involves so much travel, what are your packing and traveling tips?

Roll your clothes up so you have more space for boots hahaha! But seriously, try buy all your favourite skin, hair products in miniatures, it’s a nightmare trying to pack them all in ONE beauty bag and they weigh so much.

What do you pack for a holiday to a tropical island paradise?

Basically nothing, a sarong, a bikini and a pair of denim shorts, some tanning oil for that tropical tan time and of course some factor 50+ for my face!

What were your favourite looks and pieces from the Tigerlily shoot ‘voyage de cocos’ at Cocos Islands 🌴 

I loved the floor length jumpsuits and the high cut bikinis like the Estera Recycled Reversible Leopard print. Oh, and there was this one long blue skirt that SCREAMED take me home!

What do you love about Australia and working with an Australian crew on shoot? 

Australia and Australians remind me a lot of my home, so I always feel at ease working with them, I never really feel like I’m in a foreign place, so I don’t miss home as much when I’m over in Australia. Also, I love Australian accents, everything sounds better.


Tigerlily travel philosophy encompasses- a little off the beaten path, always go somewhere new, the further the better and try something a little out of your comfort zone... What’s yours?

If you are thinking about it, just do it or you’ll just stay in the same place your whole life, mentally and obviously physically. Traveling opens up your mind like nothing else ever could!  

What were the highlights of your visit to Cocos Islands?

Definitely the day after we wrapped we snuck in an extra shot and took the boat out to a tiny deserted Island near Direction Island... I’ve never in my life seen water so blue, it was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life! I’ll never forget swimming in such untouched waters!

What does your ultimate holiday ‘Voyage’ entail.

My best friends as company, some crazy destination... like Vegas! And a ticket to a rock show! 

Tell us something we might not know about you?

I’m really crafty. I’m a DIY girl haha... shhhh!

What are your favourite beaches in the world? 

Well Cocos beaches are the favourite now! Those beaches kicked Cape Town’s coastline in the ass!  





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